Category: Campaign Writing

Explore the art of political writing. Master content strategy for your campaign’s digital and print materials. Discover how to write and communicate your message powerfully to sway voters and win elections.

Creating an Online Political Press Kit

Online political press kits are helpful in that basic campaign information can be kept in one place, and the information is easily accessible. Press kit material can be added to its own section on your campaign website or incorporated into your contact... Read More

Book Review – The Campaign Manager by Catherine Shaw

Our first book review is The Campaign Manager: Running and Winning Local Elections. In this book, author Catherine Shaw draws on experience from her three terms as mayor of Ashland, Oregon, and dozens of campaigns to provide practical, proven advice.... Read More

Fundraising Letter Templates For Success

Campaign fundraising letter templates are a great tool to help craft an effective appeals for funding and donations. But as a tool, letter templates do have limits. For a campaign to truly succeed in raising funds and cash, your fundraising letters... Read More

Generating an Online Signature

Many candidates use the home page of their campaign website to personally address voters or constituents. It’s a nice technique, but what kills the illusion of an online ‘letter’ is the lack of a handwritten signature. Here are a few... Read More

political brochure tips

Tips for Creating a Great Campaign Brochure

When putting together your campaign brochures, you want to put your best foot forward. Your brochure may be the first, last, and only time you will reach a voter. Here are tips to creating an effective election brochure that will make a good impression... Read More

Use Signature Files in Your Campaign Messaging

Signature files are a simple way to promote your campaign through email. A signature file, commonly known as a sig file, is a short block of text that you and your campaign staff append to campaign e-mail to let people know who and what you are. Your... Read More