Political Campaign Tips and Strategies

Political Campaigns Aren’t Won By Part-Timers

Political Campaigns Aren’t Won By Part-Timers

We get it. You likely have a full-time job that keeps you busy. And depending on the elected position and the circumstances of your race, you may not need to run a 24/7 campaign. But if you are going to run for office, you need to understand what you... Read More

Storytelling: Your Secret Campaign Weapon

Storytelling: Your Secret Campaign Weapon

If this is your first campaign for political office, there’s one tool you absolutely need to use: storytelling. A smart politician knows that most voters remember stories and narratives, not facts and figures. Connections are not made by listing... Read More

The Power of Branding Your Political Campaign

The Power of Branding Your Political Campaign

It doesn’t matter if you are part of the establishment or a complete outsider; every political campaign needs a brand in order to effectively communicate with voters. Today, this is more than just a logo, colors, and slogan. How you act or... Read More

The Beginners Guide To Building a Political Website

The Beginners Guide To Building a Political Website

Building a political website for your campaign can be a daunting task, but it’s an important part of your digital strategy. Your campaign website is a vital tool for educating constituents about your values, platform, and key issues. Today, a... Read More